[BUG][FIX] noviceMode preference fix

Jesse Welton jwelton at pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu
Wed Feb 7 21:54:33 UTC 2001

The noviceMode preference causes passive SystemWindows to deactivate
their close and collapse buttons.  Bug: This has no immediate effect
on existing passive windows, violating the naive user's expectations.
(That is, to the extent that a naive user could possibly have any
expectations about the preference.)  Fix: Trap this preference in
Preferences>>noteThatFlag:justChangedTo: and tell all passive windows
to react accordingly.

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.0 of 4 February 2001 [latest update: #3446] on 7 February 2001 at 4:53:06 pm'!
"Change Set:		NoviceModeFix
Date:			7 February 2001
Author:			Jesse Welton

Makes the effects of noviceMode preference on SystemWindow buttons felt immediately."!

!Preferences class methodsFor: 'preferences dictionary' stamp: 'JW 2/7/2001 16:50'!
noteThatFlag: prefSymbol justChangedTo: aBoolean
	"Provides a hook so that a user's toggling of a preference might precipitate some immediate action"
	| keep |
	prefSymbol == #useGlobalFlaps ifTrue:
			ifFalse:		"Turning off use of flaps"
				[keep _ self confirm:
'Do you want to preserve the existing
global flaps for future use?'.
				Utilities globalFlapTabsIfAny do:
					[:aFlapTab | Utilities removeFlapTab: aFlapTab keepInList: keep.
					aFlapTab isInWorld ifTrue: [self error: 'Flap problem']].
				keep ifFalse: [Utilities clobberFlapTabList]]

			ifTrue:		"Turning on use of flaps"
				[Smalltalk isMorphic ifTrue:
					[self currentWorld addGlobalFlaps]]].

	prefSymbol == #roundedWindowCorners ifTrue: [Display repaintMorphicDisplay].

	prefSymbol == #optionalButtons ifTrue:
		[Utilities replacePartSatisfying: [:el | (el isKindOf: MorphThumbnail) and: [(el morphRepresented isKindOf: SystemWindow) and: [el morphRepresented model isKindOf: FileList]]]
inGlobalFlapSatisfying: [:f1 | f1 wording = 'Tools'] with:  FileList openAsMorph applyModelExtent].

	(prefSymbol == #optionalButtons  or: [prefSymbol == #annotationPanes]) ifTrue:
		[Utilities replaceBrowserInToolsFlap].

	(prefSymbol == #smartUpdating) ifTrue:
		[SystemWindow allSubInstancesDo:
			[:aWindow | aWindow amendSteppingStatus]].

	(prefSymbol == #eToyFriendly) ifTrue:
		[ScriptingSystem customizeForEToyUsers: aBoolean].

	((prefSymbol == #infiniteUndo) and: [aBoolean not]) ifTrue:
		[CommandHistory resetAllHistory].

	(prefSymbol == #noviceMode) ifTrue: [
			ifTrue: [
				SystemWindow allSubInstances do: [:w | w isActive ifFalse: [w passivate]]
			ifFalse: [
				SystemWindow allSubInstances do: [:w | w isActive ifFalse: [w activateButtons]]
	].! !

!SystemWindow methodsFor: 'top window' stamp: 'JW 2/7/2001 16:49'!
	"For turning off noviceMode preference"

	closeBox ifNotNil: [ closeBox unlock ].
	collapseBox ifNotNil: [ collapseBox unlock ].
! !

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