Calling shared objects on Linux

Tim Rowledge tim at
Thu Feb 1 20:39:48 UTC 2001

Elzbieta Chludzinska <elzbieta at> is widely believed to have written:

> My question is: If I have a *.so that I want to call from Squeak, should I 
> build another *.so (using Slang) that calls the *.so I need to invoke?  Is 
> there another way?  Can the *.so be called directly - in some fashion?
As others have mentioned you can use the FFI facility to call shared
libraries, but if you have any need for better performance, better
security or in general tighter control, it would be worth writing the
intermediary Slang plugin. Amongst other things it can provide a nice
insulation layer between evil code and your image.

Tim Rowledge, tim at,
Strange OpCodes: BOMB: Burn Out Memory Banks

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