Mac v3.0.2 VM

John M McIntosh johnmci at
Wed Feb 7 00:52:47 UTC 2001

>  >
>>  (h) I rewrote the sqMacDirectory.c logic to enable proper understanding
>>  of Apple's Alias logic. This means for example you can alias the
>>  "SqueakV3.sources" file and then only have one copy and have all your
>>  images point to it.
>Is it also possible to have the sources in the same folder as the vm and
>not use aliases?

Yes you can do this.Dan pointed out in any case aliases work in the 
past, but in only certain cases, this can only be one in the path. 
However if you have an alias file which points to an alias file, or 
attempt to navigate an aliased folder in the file list, then this 
didn't work until 3.0.2.

John M. McIntosh <johnmci at> 1-800-477-2659
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.
Custom Macintosh programming & various Smalltalk dialects
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