Flap tabs and window placement in 3.0 image

Jesse Welton jwelton at pacific.mps.ohio-state.edu
Tue Feb 6 15:07:26 UTC 2001

A couple more comments about the opening window for 3.0:

The Welcome window should be moved to the right, so that it does not
obscure the collapsed windows.  The "Squeak" flap atb should be moved
down so that it does not obscure the collapsed windows.  The
"Supplies" flap tab should be moved right so that it does not obscure
the Project Navigator.  The "Menus" flap should be removed.

The PWM windows should all come up in positions that will fit on an
800x600 screen.  (I wonder, would it be reasonably easy to make
expanding windows automatically adjust their position to be


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