["BUG"][FIX?]Incorrect Pseudo-Code for#whileTrue:/#whileFalse:?

Mark van Gulik ghoul6 at home.net
Thu Jan 4 05:46:36 UTC 2001

on 1/2/01 8:49 AM, Bob Arning at arning at charm.net wrote:
> This has led me to wonder whether it would be better if Smalltalk had (horror
> of horrors) a GOTO. Since the implementation of this method depends on the
> fact that the optimized bytecodes emit GOTO, perhaps it would be clearer (and
> more robust, should someone decide to remove the compiler optimization) if it
> were actually written that way.

A "structured" Goto is exactly how I implemented iteration, exceptions, and
backtracking in Avail:


The process model is a little strange.  Basically, most of the objects in
Avail are immutable, so each nybblecode is defined in terms of taking an
immutable chain of immutable contexts and producing another immutable chain
of immutable contexts.  A process contains a mutable variable that holds
this immutable chain of contexts.  Executing a process is defined as
executing nybblecodes until the process stops, feeding the context chain
resulting from a nybblecode into the next one.  Lots of VM optimizations
make normal usage of iteration as "intrinsically efficient" as Smalltalk.

The syntax is fairly plain:

    Print "hello";
    Restart someLabel;

Alternatively, you can escape from nested blocks with the same kind of

    if 2+2=5 then [Exit someLabel;];
    Print "2+2=4";

Just to clear things up, the "$_" notation declares a label, and is always
at the start of the block being labeled.  The label is just a declaration
and initialization of a local variable (but not assignable, similar to
arguments in most Smalltalks).  In the expression "Exit someLabel", we are
simply invoking the "Exit_" (multi)method with the immutable context found
in the variable "someLabel".

Trick: If you're tired of relying on Compiler tricks in Smalltalk to
implement space-efficient iteration, just do this:

    here := thisContext pc.
    thisContext pc: here.

It probably won't work, but it's more accurate pseudocode than the recursive
version in whileTrue:.

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