Window Frames Part III

Jim Benson jb at
Tue Jul 24 06:35:41 UTC 2001

Here's some more window frame code. This is just some simple mockups with
three different window types; a browser, a file list and a workspace. It's

You can file in the code and play with the window and their resizing bits.
This is just an exploration of what the window resizing interactions might
look like. Take a look, see what you think.

Note that I just gathered threw some buttons together , and this isn't
serious attempt at getting a frame look just right. However, I'm at a point
where it would be nice to hear some suggestions as to what a 'stock' frame
might look like. I need to come up with a 'default theme'.

One area I'm pretty confused about is what the menu icon should look like
and how to interact with it. As it stands now, the current menu doesn't seem
to interact in a very natural way. My initial feeling is that it needs to be
more of a pulldown menu, rather than just popping up over the menu icon.

This is just experimental code. Use it in a throw away image. I'm not really
looking for any bug reports yet, but if something glaring comes up feel free
to mention it.

Next up, refactoring SystemWindow to refactor the frame elements into
another class.


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