Window Frames Part III

Joern Eyrich Joern.Eyrich at
Tue Jul 31 17:27:28 UTC 2001

Jim Benson wrote:
> You can file in the code and play with the window and their resizing bits.
> This is just an exploration of what the window resizing interactions might
> look like. Take a look, see what you think.

Well, I like it!

> Note that I just gathered threw some buttons together , and this isn't
> serious attempt at getting a frame look just right. However, I'm at a point
> where it would be nice to hear some suggestions as to what a 'stock' frame
> might look like. I need to come up with a 'default theme'.

Just go with what you are using now. It doesn't burn in the eyes, so it's all right ;-)

> One area I'm pretty confused about is what the menu icon should look like
> and how to interact with it. As it stands now, the current menu doesn't seem
> to interact in a very natural way. My initial feeling is that it needs to be
> more of a pulldown menu, rather than just popping up over the menu icon.

I don't understand. Can you explain that?
Alternatively, I suggest to drop the icon altogether and bring up the menu when you do a right (that's what confuses *me*, those colored buttons) click on the frame (like a context menu in windows).


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