Against wastefull forks (Re: Taking Ownership of Squeak (WAS Re: Python at Disney))

Florin X Mateoc mateoc_florin at
Mon Mar 12 15:52:06 UTC 2001

Because it would be another group of professional developers working full-time
on the core Squeak (not on Squeak applications) from a different perspective.

I think it is obvious to almost all of us that there is at least one other
perspective than SqC's. Not everybody wants to explore user interfaces. And I
certainly don't mean this a s a criticism, I will gladly use multimedia Squeak,
and I hope to greatly benefit from Disney's efforts when teaching my son
programming, I might even want to use it as a platform for developing some kinds
of applications.
I am simply aware that one size does not fit them all.
All of these different groups (let's not forget SuSE ;-) could provide bases
appropriate for different kinds of applications: the likes of multimedia-Squeak,
server-Squeak, cluster-Squeak, distributed Squeak,
computationally-intensive-Squeak, classless-Squeak, meta-Squeak, embedded
Squeak, you get the point. Some of them could be commercial efforts, some
research-academic. Maybe not all these niches would be filled, but this would
certainly be one necessary step in our progress towards global domination.
I would not see this as competition (at most friendly competition), but I am
convinced that the materialization of any other perspective would need a group
of full-time people.


werdna at on 03/10/2001 07:46:33 PM

Please respond to squeak at

To:   squeak at
cc:   (bcc: Florin X Mateoc)
Subject:  Re: Against wastefull forks (Re: Taking Ownership of Squeak   (WAS Re:
      Python at Disney))

>Exactly my point. I'm simply saying that before I see it being likely that we
>can get a company or consortium interested in forming something that
>looks like a Red Hat for the Squeak universe, we need to resolve the
>questions of
>modularity and extensibility that currently surround the evolving image.

Why would it be advantageous to have a Red Hat for the squeak universe?

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