Creating "commands" for Etoys

J Scott Jaderholm scott at
Fri Mar 23 01:29:44 UTC 2001

Bob Arning  <arning at> writes:
> I assume you are referring to the phrases in the viewer (like "foo
> forward by 5") even though scripts do have the yellow exclamation as
> well. The answer is that today it's a bit on the difficult side, but
> coming soon will be some changes that make it easy (opening up all
> of Smalltalk, e.g.). Hang in there a little longer.


Ok, there must be a way to do this then without creating my own
commands, but I don't know how.

I have three SketchMorphs named Moon, Earth, and Sun.  I want the Moon
to revolve around the Earth, and the Earth to revolve around Sun.

I was going to make a command that would change the moon's X,Y based on
the Earth's X,Y, but if I can't create commands that's not really an

I guess there's a better way to do this using the commands we already
have..any ideas what that way is?

Btw, I call these commands since the tooltip says "Run this command
once" and they appear to be different from scripts. Is there a better


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