New MacOS-X VM with sound support

Marcel Weiher marcel at
Sun Mar 4 15:26:54 UTC 2001

Hi folks,

a new 3.0 MacOS-X VM is now available for download at:

the full URL being:

New in this release:

	- Sound support using CoreAudio
	- Further factoring
		- all the UI/media related support code now has its own framework, SqueakAppKit
		- the front end app now consists of some nibs and 2 classes

The factoring means that virtually all the functionality is now in 2 frameworks:

	- Squeak.framework:  basic VM and support code
	- SqueakAppKit.framework:  UI-related, graphics, sound, pasteboard, etc.

If you want to build a faceless Squeak server app or command-line tool then linking against just the Squeak.framework is sufficient.  If you want interaction, you'll need to link against SqueakAppKit.  In either case, the additional code required is absolutely minimal.



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