Three Threads Of Squeak

Duane Maxwell dmaxwell at
Wed Nov 7 01:08:59 UTC 2001

Re: Three Threads Of SqueakJustin --

Nobody's garbaging anything, nobody's stalking you, nobody's trying to do
anything malicious.

Many of us simply find the topic not relevant enough to comment on, and
maybe a few are interesting in exploring tangents from your original topic,
perhaps with the name of the thread unchanged.  Some folks have a rather dry
sense of humor, and a couple have people have been gently hinting that you
tend to use very loaded language when discussing seemingly innocuous issues.
That's the nature of lists like this one.

Perhaps some history might help. Quite frequently, somebody shows up on the
list that nobody's ever seen before and starts pontificating about what "we"
should do, why Squeak will never be accepted by the industry/users/1337/etc
and how Squeak is fundamentally flawed and we need to start over or
something radical.  Typically various Big Names in totally unrelated fields
(typically philosophy) are invoked to support the thesis.  The typical
response from the list, if any, is that the point is interesting, Squeak is
open source, and if anyone feels strongly enough, then they're welcome to
fork the project and make something better.  It usually then turns out that
"we" doesn't include the person making all of the proposals.  After many
years of this, you can probably see why your topic may not have gotten the
attention it might deserve.

The best way to get people to respect your views is to generate some
"cred" - write some nifty code, fix some bugs, document something, or
perhaps make a tutorial for new users.  That's the way to get people to pay

This list has never before degenerated to the degree to invoke Godwin's Law,
and I sincerely hope it doesn't now, but frankly you have me a little
worried.  There's no conspiracy to distract people, no "yahooligans", no
Microsoftian disinformationists here.  And there's certainly nobody "using"
Alan Kay to suppress anything.

If you wish to flame me over this, please do it directly and not clutter the
list with it.  Thanks.

Cheers -

-- Duane

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