Why we should remove {} from Squeak

Torge Husfeldt jean-jacques.gelee at gmx.de
Wed Oct 3 12:03:57 UTC 2001

Hi Rob,

Rob Withers wrote:
> Here is what I have, but it doesn't work.  The method CompiledMethod
> class>>toReturnField: is missing from either the changeset or the image.
This message has been replaced by:
CompiledMethod class>>toReturnField:trailerBytes.
The implementation I foound in a 2.8 image tells me that you just have
change every call of 'toReturnField: field' to 'toReturnField: field
Or implement 
CompileMethod class>>toReturnField: field
^self toReturnField: field trailerBytes:0

I attatched the corrected changeSet (but didn't test it).
> It is a cool changeset, if someone could post the real one, or fix this one.
> Rob
> At 12:13 AM 10/3/2001 +0200, you wrote:
> >Allen Wirfs-Brock <Allen_Wirfs-Brock at Instantiations.com> wrote:
> >[the argument from attractive nuisence]
> >
> >I think a good answer to that is lots of good examples, and making doing
> >the right thing easier, not avoiding a useful, natural shortcut...
> >
> >An interesting idea I saw (maybe on this list) that might help in
> >creating new abstrations is the Tuple class.
> >
> >Tuple length: 5 revolutionSpeed: 2
> >Creates an object with two instance variables named after the keywords,
> >with the appropriate values, accessors and initialization code. If a
> >class answering this description doesn't yet exist, one is generated.
> >
> >So the abstraction creator now has only to (technically - re)name his
> >creation, and it's ready to go. He can immidiately add smarts to it and
> >get benefits. Some of the technical busywork of creating the abstraction
> >is poofed away with a little doesNotUnderstand magic...
> >
> >And the programmer has much less incentive to abuse Array for this sort
> >of things.
> >
> >Daniel Vainsencher
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