Help needed for a spying object

ducasse stephane ducasse at
Thu Oct 4 08:58:12 UTC 2001


I'm trying to finish to write a column on using reflection in Squeak.
I wanted to show a little spy that puts on the transcript all the messages
sent to the spied object.

So I subclassed from protoObject redefined DNU.

ProtoObject subclass: #Spy
    instanceVariableNames: 'spyedObject '
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'Scaffolding'

Spy>> doesNotUnderstand: aMessage

    Transcript nextPutAll: '*' ; flush.
    ^ spyedObject perform: aMessage selector withArguments: aMessage

Spy>>on: anObject

    spyedObject := anObject

Then created the class method on: as follow on Spy

Spy class>>on: anObject

    | spy |
    spy := self new.
    spy become: anObject.
    anObject on: spy.
    ^ anObject

I have now two problems

First problem:
    |t |
    t := OrderedCollection new.
    Spy on: t. 
    t add: 3.
    t add: 5.

    When I execute the following code everythign works
    Then when I open an inspector on t and send messages there are not
    captured. I don't understand why. I alreadyplayed a lot with become: and
    nasty stuff in VW but here I'm stuck.

Second problem:

    I wanted to have a spy on a morph. Crazy me....It was nearly working on
BoucingAtomsMorph but I tried on something simpler liek
    RectangleMorph or TextMorph but I got a lot of strange errors or nealry
damage my system


    |t |
    t := TextMorph new.
    t openInWorld.
    Spy on: t. 


|t |
t := RectangleMorph new.
t openInWorld.
Spy on: t. 

Have you any idea or suggestions?


-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak2.8 of 13 June 2000 [latest update: #2359] on 4 October 2001 at 10:45:56 am'!
ProtoObject subclass: #Spy
	instanceVariableNames: 'spyedObject '
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Scaffolding'!

!Spy methodsFor: 'doesnotuunderstand' stamp: 'SD 10/4/2001 10:32'!
doesNotUnderstand2: aMessage

	Transcript nextPutAll: 'sel>> ' ;  nextPutAll: aMessage selector printString ;
				nextPutAll: ' args>> '; nextPutAll: aMessage arguments printString; cr ; flush.
	^ spyedObject perform: aMessage selector withArguments: aMessage arguments! !

!Spy methodsFor: 'doesnotuunderstand' stamp: 'SD 10/4/2001 10:44'!
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage

	Transcript nextPutAll: '*' ; flush.
	^ spyedObject perform: aMessage selector withArguments: aMessage arguments! !

!Spy methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'SD 10/4/2001 10:19'!
printOn: aStream

	aStream nextPutAll: 'A Spy on ', spyedObject printString! !

!Spy methodsFor: 'installation' stamp: 'SD 10/4/2001 10:19'!
on: anObject

	spyedObject := anObject! !

!Spy methodsFor: 'installation' stamp: 'SD 10/4/2001 10:27'!

	self become: spyedObject.
	spyedObject := nil.! !

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

Spy class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!Spy class methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'SD 10/4/2001 09:26'!
on: anObject

	| spy |
	spy := self new.
	spy become: anObject.
	anObject on: spy.
	^ anObject! !

!Spy class methodsFor: 'test working' stamp: 'SD 10/4/2001 10:45'!
	|t |
	t := OrderedCollection new.
	Spy on: t. 
	t add: 3.
	t add: 5! !

!Spy class methodsFor: 'test damaging the image' stamp: 'SD 10/4/2001 10:40'!

|t |
t := TextMorph new.
t openInWorld.
Spy on: t. ! !

!Spy class methodsFor: 'test damaging the image' stamp: 'SD 10/4/2001 10:42'!

|t |
t := RectangleMorph new.
t openInWorld.
Spy on: t. ! !

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