[ENH] 33% faster macroBenchmark1 and method prettyprinting.

Scott A Crosby crosby at qwes.math.cmu.edu
Fri Oct 5 17:14:00 UTC 2001

Profiling is your friend.. It *REALLY* is.

A quick profile of macroBenchmark1 showed that it was spending almost 30%
of its time running OrderedCollection>>addLast: [*]

So, found the problem was with RunArray's (used by
Text>>addAttribute:from:to:) and how they use Ordered Collections. So I
redid two methods.


for a 33% gain.

BTW, I note that another 5%-15% gain is probably possible by avoiding
having squeak copy the same data several times, for example, the
concatenation in:

And the various methods called by:

It and those it invokes are fairly expensive. Less so now, but still


BTW, as a trade, can I ask a favor of someone who actually understands
MessageTally, specifically 3 enhancements.
  1. Some, maybe cleaner way of getting fine grained detail and not
have it be thrown out, like I did in my changeset.
  2. Some sort of cumulative mode, the more features below, the better.

For each function show the following: All functions it invoked directly,
and the total amount of time spent on each of those children.

(Bonus) For each function, show all the functions which invoked it, and an
estimate of the proportional amount of its runtime was as a result of
being invoked by that parent.

The leaves display doesn't accumulate the children of a function into
themselves, so Text>>addAttribute:from:to: doesn't show up strongly, even
though it and its children are hugely responsible for the cpu time.

As Text>>addAttribute:from:to: is called from something like 20-40 other
functions, The tree display masquerades its CPU time into 40 pieces.
Even now, I'm unsure how much time it and those it invokes use overall,
though I suspect that it may still be 5-20%.


Profiling is your friend.


[*] This might have been hidden by the fact that the current profiling
library cuts off values at 1%, a lot of sub-1% things added together can
be substantual. I made a few modifications to the profiler to make it
display more details and especially stuff that consumes a small fraction
of the CPU.  ATTACHED.

No DVD movie will ever enter the public domain, nor will any CD. The last CD
and the last DVD will have moldered away decades before they leave copyright.
This is not encouraging the creation of knowledge in the public domain.
-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.2alpha of 3 October 2001 [latest update: #4411] on 5 October 2001 at 11:48:23 am'!

!MessageTally methodsFor: 'tallying' stamp: 'sac 9/26/2001 07:28'!
tally: context by: count 
	"Explicitly tally the specified context and its stack."
	| root |

	context method == method
		ifTrue: [^ self bumpBy: count].
	(root _ context home sender) == nil
		ifTrue: [^ (self bumpBy: count)
				tallyPath: context
				by: count].
	^ (self tally: root by: count)
		tallyPath: context
		by: count! !

!MessageTally methodsFor: 'reporting' stamp: 'sac 9/26/2001 07:09'!
report: strm 
	"Print a report, with cutoff percentage of each element of the tree  
	(leaves, roots, tree)=2, on the stream, strm."
	self report: strm cutoff: 1! !

!MessageTally methodsFor: 'printing' stamp: 'sac 9/26/2001 07:10'!
fullPrintOn: aStream tallyExact: isExact orThreshold: perCent 
	| threshold |
		ifFalse: [threshold _ (perCent asFloat / 1000 * tally) rounded].
	aStream nextPutAll: '**Tree**';
		treePrintOn: aStream
		tabs: OrderedCollection new
		thisTab: ''
		total: tally
		totalTime: time
		tallyExact: isExact
		orThreshold: threshold.
	aStream nextPut: Character newPage;
	aStream nextPutAll: '**Leaves**';
		leavesPrintOn: aStream
		tallyExact: isExact
		orThreshold: threshold! !

!MessageTally class methodsFor: 'spying' stamp: 'sac 9/26/2001 06:51'!
spyOn: aBlock 
	"MessageTally spyOn: [100 timesRepeat: [3.14159 printString]]"
	| node result |
	node _ self new.
	result _ node spyEvery: 1 on: aBlock.
	(StringHolder new
		contents: (String
				streamContents: [:s | node report: s;
		openLabel: 'Spy Results'.
	^ result! !

!MessageTally class methodsFor: 'spying' stamp: 'sac 9/26/2001 06:51'!
spyOn: aBlock toFileNamed: fileName 
	"Spy on the evaluation of aBlock. Write the data collected on a file 
	named fileName."
	| file value node |
	node _ self new.
	value _ node spyEvery: 1 on: aBlock.
	file _ FileStream newFileNamed: fileName.
	node report: file;
	file close.
	^ value! !

!MessageTally class methodsFor: 'spying' stamp: 'sac 9/26/2001 06:51'!
spyOnProcess: aProcess forMilliseconds: msecDuration 
	"| p |  
	p _ [100000 timesRepeat: [3.14159 printString]] fork.  
	(Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait.  
	MessageTally spyOnProcess: p forMilliseconds: 1000"
	| node |
	node _ self new.
		spyEvery: 1
		onProcess: aProcess
		forMilliseconds: msecDuration.
	(StringHolder new
		contents: (String
				streamContents: [:s | node report: s;
		openLabel: 'Spy Results'! !

!MessageTally class methodsFor: 'spying' stamp: 'sac 9/26/2001 06:51'!
spyOnProcess: aProcess forMilliseconds: msecDuration toFileNamed: fileName 
	"Spy on the evaluation of aProcess. Write the data collected on a file  
	named fileName. Will overwrite fileName"
	| file node |
	node _ self new.
		spyEvery: 1
		onProcess: aProcess
		forMilliseconds: msecDuration.
	file _ FileStream fileNamed: fileName.
	node report: file;
	file close! !

!SystemDictionary methodsFor: 'snapshot and quit' stamp: 'sac 10/2/2001 11:42'!
	"Adjust the VM's default GC parameters to avoid premature tenuring."
	"200,000 and 10,000 are more reasonable numbers."
	Smalltalk vmParameterAt: 5 put: 800000.
	"do an incremental GC after this many allocations"
	Smalltalk vmParameterAt: 6 put: 8000! !

!TimeProfileBrowser methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'sac 9/26/2001 06:51'!
	| stream list result |
	tally _ MessageTally new.
	result _ tally spyEvery: 1 on: block.
	stream _ ReadWriteStream
				with: (String
						streamContents: [:s | tally report: s;
	stream reset.
	list _ OrderedCollection new.
	[stream atEnd]
		whileFalse: [list add: stream nextLine].
	self initializeMessageList: list.
	self changed: #messageList.
	self changed: #messageListIndex.
	^ result! !

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'From Squeak3.2alpha of 3 October 2001 [latest update: #4411] on 5 October 2001 at 12:46:58 pm'!

!OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'copying' stamp: 'sac 10/5/2001 12:07'!
copyFrom: startIndex to: endIndex 
	"Answer a copy of the receiver that contains elements from position  
	startIndex to endIndex."
	| targetCollection j |
	endIndex < startIndex
		ifTrue: [^ self species new: 0].
	targetCollection _ self species new
				setContents: (Array new: endIndex + 1 - startIndex).
	j _ 0.
	^self species new
				setContents: (array copyFrom: startIndex + firstIndex - 1 to: endIndex + firstIndex - 1).
	! !

!OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'copying' stamp: 'sac 10/5/2001 12:37'!
copyReplaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementCollection 
	"Answer a copy of the receiver with replacementCollection's elements in  
	place of the receiver's start'th to stop'th elements. This does not expect  
	a 1-1 map from replacementCollection to the start to stop elements, so it  
	will do an insert or append."
	"if start is less than 1, ignore stop and assume this is inserting at the  
	if start greater than self size, ignore stop and assume this is appending. 
	otherwise, it is replacing part of me and start and stop have to be  
	within my  
	| delta startIndex stopIndex j arr |
	delta _ 0.
	startIndex _ start.
	stopIndex _ stop.
	start < 1
		ifTrue: [startIndex _ stopIndex _ 0]
		ifFalse: [startIndex > self size
				ifTrue: [startIndex _ stopIndex _ self size + 1]
				ifFalse: [(stopIndex < (startIndex - 1)
							or: [stopIndex > self size])
						ifTrue: [self errorOutOfBounds].
					delta _ stopIndex - startIndex + 1]].
	j _ 0.
	arr _ Array new: self size + replacementCollection size - delta.
		replaceFrom: j + 1
		to: startIndex - 1
		with: array
		startingAt: firstIndex.
	j _ j +startIndex - 1.
		replaceFrom: j + 1
		to: j + 1 + replacementCollection size - 1
		with: replacementCollection array
		startingAt: replacementCollection firstIndex.
	j _ j + replacementCollection size - 1.
		replaceFrom: j + 1
		to: j + 1 + self size - (stopIndex + 1)
		with: array
		startingAt: firstIndex.
	^ self species new setContents: arr! !

!OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'sac 10/5/2001 12:28'!
	^array! !

!OrderedCollection methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'sac 10/5/2001 12:29'!
	^firstIndex! !

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