MVC v's Morphic for development

Patrick Castle lemeia at
Sat Oct 13 11:03:59 UTC 2001

Hi all,

I know Morphic is the way of the future with Squeak and good to see really.
However, when I've downloaded various tutorials on Morphic it is all very
much direct manipulation and scripting. These are all fun, but not exactly
where I want to be heading.

I know I'm new to this but it makes sense to me to work on the application
away from the GUI and then attach the GUI later. I know this is an MVC way
of developing things but I'd rather use Morphic (for a start there's a wider
variety of Morphs). Do any Morphic tutorials take the more traditional
approach of developing the application with the more traditional MVC
approach or am I better off studying MVC first and then following or
breaking the rules in Morphic later?

The only more traditional approach in a Morphic tutorial I've seen was a
version of the Counter tutorial. It was good but the application is so
simple that I'm having trouble applying the philosophy to a more
sophisticated project.

As an addition to this, am I likely to have all my dreams come true if I buy
"Squeak: Object-Oriented Design with Multimedia Applications" by Mark
Guzdial? Will it be the Morphic guide I am looking for?


"Happiness is the hidden behind the obvious."

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