Still trying to kill that pesky morph......

John Hinsley jhinsley at
Sun Oct 21 04:07:32 UTC 2001

Here's the scenario:

Open any Morph, open a workspace. Select, from the workspace menu
"create textual references to dropped morphs" drag the morph into the

I get:

WorldTimeMorph initializeLocally.
worldtime1527 (the number you get will be different!)

I can then do:

worldtime1527 delete

And the morph vanishes.

The problem is that in an interface, you can't really have people
dragging morphs around. And I don't want people to have to click on the
X to delete the morph. I need to be able to put together some code which
will enable the morph to be zapped. 

In short, I need a getter (at least) and (preferably) setter for that
"textual reference". And after a day of messing around, all I can come
up with is identityHash which returns a number, but the wrong one (for
the morph, at least!). Aaargh!!!!

Any ideas welcomed: I'd have thought this would be easy, but it seems to
be neither easy nor documented!



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