Lots of concurrency

Peter Crowther peter.crowther at networkinference.com
Thu Oct 25 21:50:23 UTC 2001

> From: Ken Kahn [mailto:kenkahn at toontalk.com]
> I'll agree it isn't settled. At the level of thoughts that I have
> self-awareness of, they seem pretty sequential but that is 
> just the "tip of the iceberg".

Regardless of whether one's own thought processes are sequential or not
(mine are often 2- or 3-parallel, occasionally more if I'm physically
relaxed), humans are good at controlling parallelism in other
devices/creatures with which they can interact in a manner to which they are
accustomed --- as anyone who's cooked a complex meal or managed a household
is aware.

Humans are less good at controlling parallelism in an environment that's not
familiar, but surely that's true of any control problem?

One interesting question, relating back to the Incredible Machine question
but going beyond that, is how we can make the control of parallelism in
programming more intuitive to the developer.

		- Peter

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