External Libs (was Re: libcurl?!)

Stephen Pair spair at advantive.com
Wed Oct 31 16:42:28 UTC 2001

> I think it would make Squeak quite good if we kept a 
> plug-in/FFI-class directory on the Swiki.  A list of 
> libraries Squeak hooks up with.  Show that Smalltalk *can* 
> play well with others.

I think this is a great idea.  It is really easy with FFI to interface
Squeak with external libs (though there are some enhancements to FFI
that would make things even easier).  Of course the ideal solution is to
rewrite the external lib in Squeak, then pluginize any key algorithms to
achieve performance, but using an external lib is the next best thing.

Having a central place to keep track of external libs that people have
wrapped in Squeak would be great.

- Stephen

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