[ENH]Html table (third version)

Lex Spoon lex at cc.gatech.edu
Sun Sep 2 19:16:48 UTC 2001

Oh man, this thread is so painful to read.  It's almost enough to make
me want to document this stuff.  :)  Although actually, some of it is
documented on the Scamper swiki page (or, some page nearby to it.  I
don't have Internet access to check the exact location right now.)

For new, let me correct a few mistakes.

Close tags are *not* required.  If they were then lists wouldn't work,
because people hardly ever put in the </li>'s.  In fact, Scamper copes
not only with omitted close tags, but with lots of erroneous HTML, as
well.  This is why it uses a hand-written parser instead of a much more
elegant SGML parser.  (A nice thing about XML is a social one: it's so
verbose and obscure that nobody wants to write it by hand, and so it's
socially acceptible for parser's to just dump even slightly erroneous
input on the floor.)

The mayContain: idea is crucial for both of these, and the parsing
problem people saw is surely because one or more of the various
HtmlTable class's has an incorrect mayContain: method.  It's worth
spending a few minutes getting these #mayContain: methods to something
reasonable, instead of just returning true all the time -- it helps with
making reasonable parses of bad HTML, and it helps when processing the
HTML after it's parsed, because you know, e.g., that TABLE's only
contain TR's.

Finally, Scamper *does* use content-type.  If it's not working for some
php script, it's because the script specifies the wrong content-type.

Okay, those little bits aside, here is a skeleton design for adding
tables.  I'll leave out the details of  building the table morph itself
-- frankly, I don't even know exactly how!  :)

The core idea is to make outputStream be a stack, ie "outputStreams"
instead of "outputStream".  Add an #outputStream method that returns the
top element of outputStreams, update all users of the outputStream ivar
to use the #outputStream method, and then add some methods like:


(Here would be a good time to run regression tests.  Ah well, too bad
there aren't any.)

Now, to format a table, add a addToFormatter: method to HtmlTable like

addToFormatter: formatter
	| tm |
	tm := "insert your code to make a table morph".
	self subEntities do: [ :rowEntity |
		tm startNewRow.
		rowEntity subEntities do: [ :cell |
			formatter startNewOutputStream.
			cell addToFormatter: formatter.
			tm addCell: formatter formattedText.
			formatted endCurrentOutputStream ] ].
	formatter addMorph: tm

Note, critically, that #formattedText should return the text of the
*current* output stream, not of of the whole document.  This will
probably happen automatically, but be aware of this as you read the
above code.

And that's it.  Now you just have to figure out how to make TableMorph's
at all!

By the way, here are two other tricks people will be interested in, once
you start playing with tables.

First, you can get tables to resize horizontally by adding some sort of
widthProportion instance variable to TextAnchor (TextAnchor is the
subclass of TextAttribute that Text uses to deal with embedded morphs). 
Then, TextAnchor>>emphasizeScanner can resize the morph before doing its
normal thing, if this instance variable has been set.  Bolot and I put
together something like this once upon a time, but it got lost.  I leave
figuring out the width of a CharacterScanner as an excercise for those
who have a lot of time.

Second, you can add a TextAlignment attribute that allows centered text,
but this is a tad more work.  You must make all uses of "textStyle
alignment" in CharacterScaner+subclasses use the "alignment" instance
variable, instead.  The rest is really easy: add an #allignment: method
in TextAlignment that sets the alignment, and make
TextAlignment>>emphasizeScanner: set the alignment on the supplied

Cheers!  Like Je77, I'm really excited to see people playing with this
-- tables would make Scamper much nicer to use!

By the way, frames aren't too far away, once we have tables -- one could
use the same table morph that tables use, but with some sort of
"DownloadingHtmlMorph" in the cells.   DownloadingHtmlMorph will look
like DownloadingImageMorph, except that it downloads and displays HTML
instead of images.

My apologies for not reading any of the specific table packages people have
posted.  The above fixes all of the problems people have mentioned having, though, and
so unless everyone is burned out now I'll wait until someone has a more complete

Lex Spoon

> Well, know I tracked down the culpit of the problem and that 
> was me... I had changed the mayContain in HtmlTableDataItem to 
> mayContain: anEntity
> 	^ true.

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