[Modules] a summary of joseph's work

Paul McDonough wnchips at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 4 23:30:39 UTC 2001


--- danielv at netvision.net.il wrote:
> Hi Paul.
> That's not exactly my point - I don't think there's
> a technical problem
> here with ModSqueak.
> we need to face these questions:
> * Do people *want* to work in modules all the time?
> They aren't now.
> (SqC, for example)
-- I think it's a one-time shot of pain, to get the
user's base image module-ized.  If that user chooses
to start with an already-module-ized image, then no
pain.  The experience of working in modules can be
basically the same as working in Squeak.  If you like,
you can simply ignore the ModSqueak browsers, and use
the regular Squeak tools.  Things stay in sync
invisibly, so that later if you want to use the (er,
not-yet-existing) program delivery facility, you can.

> * How do we handle mixed situations (either the
> transition period, or a
> stable state)?
-- someone on this list (Henrik?) mentioned letting
the ModuleManager be a listener for change-oriented
events.  This would give ModSqueak the basic 'hooks';
from there it's a development decision how many
situations so support.

> I'm saying this because it seems we might enter this
> transition time any
> time now, I think we should have an idea on how.
-- I did a good bit of experimenting/exploring earlier
this year, and I believe one can view the current
ModSqueak as part-way through this transition.  For
example, I'm not sure, but I think that when Joseph
and I were exchanging code on a frequent basis, he was
working mostly in Squeak, and I was working mostly in
ModSqueak if you see what I mean.  That situation
arose because I was trying to test out the ModSqueak
coding tools, and Joseph didn't need to be bothered
with all the ghastly image-destroying bugs that were
in there ... .

> PS, Paul, if this is veering outside the
> modsqueak at bluefish.se
> appropriate usage, don't include it in the reply. I
> guess you know the
> house rules better than I...
-- it seems appropriate enough to me; if others
disagree I'm sure we'll hear about it ;-)

Back to my daily Java now ... not talking about
coffee, though sometimes I wish I were!


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