[goodie] Kids' Refrigerator Magnets [FIX]

Thomas Kuehne kuehne at informatik.uni-kl.de
Wed Sep 5 12:02:52 UTC 2001

Sorry, just to avoid any confusion:

The code shown in my previous message

> Morhp>>fillStyle:
>         "Set the current fillStyle of the receiver."
>         self setProperty: #fillStyle toValue: aFillStyle.
>         "Workaround for Morphs not yet converted"
>         "color _ aFillStyle asColor."
>         self changed

already contains my "fix" (i.e., 'color _ aFillStyle as Color' is put in comments).
If this had been the original then -- of course -- it would not be necessary to delete it, as I proposed.



> The workaround code -- in the case of TextMorphs has the unfortunate effect of setting the text color to the background color as well.
> Removal of the one but the last line fixes the bug.
> Perhaps that is worth pointing out to Squeak3.0 users who want to try your "speaking magnets" and perhaps the workaround should be reconsidered if it is still part of later Squeak versions.

Dr. Thomas Kuehne
+49 178 4314387, http://www-agce.informatik.uni-kl.de/~kuehne
Experts are people who successfully calibrated their intuition. -- TK

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