
Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at
Sun Sep 9 09:22:08 UTC 2001

I spent a few hours testing out the different settings
in the TableLayouts. Except a serious bug in cellSpacing
using global rect. or square it works pretty nice.
Also I wonder why minCellSize and maxCellSize use backwards
point values e.g: a x at y must be set as y at x?

There is a couple of thing I want or wish were available 
and maybe are there but I have overseen:

-a possibility to mark a #wrapHere so one can add elements
 dynamically without knowing the table width and still 
 be able to wrap at the place one wants.

-a possibility to set column widths. I only found a way
 to by setting minCellSize but that will make each column
 the same width. 

-a feature equivalent to the row and col span in html tables
 that both work within the same layout. I can make a table 
 with working col spans but where the row span don't work, 
 and the same with row spans but not working col spans. 

Anybody got some ideas how to achieve these things?


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