Stream Question

Aaron J Reichow reic0024 at
Tue Sep 18 17:11:24 UTC 2001

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, Ken G. Brown wrote:

> Can anyone give some insight into why these snippets do not successfully
> read anything with the 'next' message?
> strm _ ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 10000).
> strm nextPutAll: 'aaaaaaaaa'.
> get _ strm next. "gets nil"
> strm _ ReadWriteStream on: (Array new: 10000).
> strm nextPutAll: 'aaaaaaaaa'.
> get _ strm next. "gets nil"

The reason those return nil is simple- the position is at the end of the

strm _ ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 10000).	"position = 0"
strm nextPutAll: 'aaaaaaaaa'.			"position = 10"
get _ strm next.

And when you get around to sending #next, you're asking for the next
character at the end of the stream, which there is obviously no more of.

strm _ ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 10000).
strm nextPutAll: 'AAAAaaaa'.
strm position: 0.   "put the stream marker at the begining!"
get _ strm next.    "returns $A"
strm position: 4.   "put the stream marker in the middle"
get _ strm next.    "returns $a"

Regards and good luck!

Aaron Reichow ::  Twin Ports ACM Pres ::
"life, probably the biggest word i've ever said, that says a lot 'cause
there is a whole lot of words inside my head..." -- atmosphere

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