Storing and Retrieving Point

Frantisek Fuka fuxoft at
Thu Sep 27 20:46:43 UTC 2001

Ken G. Brown wrote:

> I'm having trouble storing and retrieving Points. What am I doing wrong?
> pt _ Point new.
> pt _ 25 at 125. 
> dict _ Dictionary new.
> dict at: 'first' put: #('text' pt).
> readPt _ ((dict at: 'first') at: 2). "readPt is now a Symbol"
> Thx for any pointers.
> Ken

First of all: The first line is totally unneccessary. The point is 
created and assigned to pt on the second line. Secondly: In #('text' pt) 
  the pt is indeed a #pt symbol and has nothing to do with variable pt.

                                          Frantisek Fuka
(yes, that IS my real name)
(and it's pronounced "Fran-tjee-shek Foo-kah")
My E-mail:   fuxoft at
My Homepage:
My ICQ:      2745855

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