installX11Fonts appears error message

Joern Eyrich Joern.Eyrich at
Wed Apr 3 15:37:15 UTC 2002

Hello Fedir,

this is actually only the last in a series of steps you have to go through in order to import bdf fonts into squeak.

If you look at the class side methods of class BDFFontReader in a Browser, you will find a "documentation" category which contains this method:

	"Download the 1.3M of BDF font source files from

		BDFFontReader downloadFonts.

	Convert them to .sf2 StrikeFont files:

		BDFFontReader convertX11FontsToStrike2.

	Install them into the system as TextStyles:

		BDFFontReader installX11Fonts.

	Read the legal notices in 'BDFFontReader x11FontLegalNotices' before
	redistributing images containing these fonts."

So you do these three steps and you will have the fonts imported into your image.

Beware: you will have lots of *.bdf and *.sf2 files in your Squeak directory after doing the first two steps.
I think you can safely delete them after the import (don't forget to save your image, though).

If that's what you did when you got the error, look for a file called "SqueakDebug.log" and send this to the list along with information on which version of Squeak you used.

For example, I just tried it in Squeak 3.2gamma, latest update #4743, and it worked.


"Fedir V. Koshovyy" wrote:
> Hello all,
> my problem is:
> when I try in my workplace
>      BDFFontReader installX11Fonts.
> appears error message "subscripts is out of bound:1"
> PS
> don't beat me, I am novice.

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