pretty printing ala Goldberg

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Mon Apr 8 12:51:19 UTC 2002

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, Ned Konz wrote:

> On Sunday 07 April 2002 01:19 pm, Martin Drautzburg wrote:
> > Is there a way to produce pretty printed code (e.g. html) that looks
> > like in the Smalltalk-80
> > book ? I mean with real arrows for "return" and proportional font ?
> >
> > I am aware of Dendelion and the CodeReview stuff.
> Why not just use Class>>fileOutAsHtml: etc?
> If you convert any characters (like caret -> arrow glyph) you won't be able to 
> copy all the text as text and paste it into another app. If that doesn't 
> bother you, just edit HtmlFileStream>>nextPut: to replace $^ with '<img 
> src="myarrow.png">' or something:
> HtmlFileStream
> nextPut: char
> 	"Put a character on the file, but translate it first. 4/6/96 tk 1/1/98 acg"
> 	char = $< ifTrue: [^ super nextPutAll: '&lt;'].
> 	char = $> ifTrue: [^ super nextPutAll: '&gt;'].
> 	char = $& ifTrue: [^ super nextPutAll: '&amp;'].
> 	char = $^ ifTrue: [ ^ super nextPutAll: '<img src="uparrow.gif" alt="^">' ].
> 	char = $_ ifTrue: [ ^ super nextPutAll: '<img src="leftarrow.gif" alt="_">' 
> ].
> 	char asciiValue = 13 "return" 
> 		ifTrue: [self command: 'br'].
> 	char = $	"tab" 
> 		ifTrue: [self verbatim: TabThing. ^super nextPut: char].
> 	^ super nextPut: char

Thats roughly what I did in the SqueakBrowser (

Though for printing the image might be too low-res. Yes, it is - I just 
checked. Looks odd.

-- Bert

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