[Q] Subclassing. was: Making a button immune...

Martin Drautzburg martin.drautzburg at web.de
Sat Apr 13 21:47:46 UTC 2002

David Salamon <david at myth.sdsu.edu> writes:

> On 4/13/02 1:07 PM, "Martin Drautzburg" <martin.drautzburg at web.de> wrote:
> > I could subclass the Button and let handlesMouseDown: return false.
> If you want an always dead SimpleButton, this is the way I would go.

That brings up another question: I frequently hesitate to create a new
class, especially if it is only for "internal" reasons. Maybe I should
just go ahead.

OTOH there is some good reason behind my hesitation: for another
person it will not be obvious which classes are ment for public use
and which are for internal use. 

Now you may argue that every class is for public use, but still:
seeing a screw and a car engine on the same parts list may make the
list hard to read, especially when there are many more screws than car
engines on the list and you really are interested in the car engines

Is there a solution for that ?

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