How to notify user as to acceptable drop targets?

Ned Konz ned at
Mon Apr 15 18:05:01 UTC 2002

On Monday 15 April 2002 08:41 am, Chris Becker wrote:
> Heck, in the distance future (around the time that we have flying
> cars
> :-) ), modifications to the diagram could directly change the class
> hierarchy! But this is far more complicated, and honestly I'd be
> thrilled just being able to generate a diagram.

Actually, it's quite easy. Assuming you had a ClassShape morph, you'd 
just override connectConstraint: so it also did something like "self 
changed: #connections". It could then query its connections and act 

I'm still not sure how to handle the UI aspects of refusing connection 
(i.e. how would you avoid inheritance loops, multiple inheritance, 
etc. in a class diagram?). The obvious way right now would be to just 
not connect if it were an illegal connection, but you wouldn't know 
until you dropped the end of the connection on something that it 
didn't want to connect to.

Better, probably, would be to give the user some kind of feedback as 
to allowable connections.


Ned Konz

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