Call for Action! ...or "The Holy Crusade Against Empty Class Comments"

Duane Maxwell dmaxwell at
Thu Apr 18 16:49:27 UTC 2002

From: <goran.hultgren at>
> Joern Eyrich <Joern.Eyrich at> wrote:
> > Didn't Duane Maxwell build some infrastructure for collecting class
> >
> > see
> Yes, I think he did and it looks nice. But it doesn't feed those
> comments back to the image, does it? Hmmm. I am not sure I agree with
> the "idea" of it. It would demand a net connection for one thing...

Actually, I was not *requiring* a net connection any more than a Swiki

The goal was to make it easy to collect and share class and method comments
quickly - there's no restriction on feeding the entire database into an
image for release.  Unlike a Swiki, sqdb stores the information in a
structured form for easy consumption by automated tools.

I already support multiple languages - there's an optional language tag on

If there's anything anyone would like to see that might get something like
this adopted, let me know, otherwise I'll shut it down and free the server
for something else...

-- Duane

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