Who has no job? (was Re: O'Reilly Squeak book?)

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at cs.otago.ac.nz
Fri Apr 19 04:36:41 UTC 2002

[names deliberately left out]
	>Then I say: what do you need a print-out for? I think that dead trees are
	>decidedly suboptimal for the storage and retrieval of information when you got
	>BookMorphs to play with.
	I need printouts to send to my boss.  I need printouts to send to 
	Sacramento.  I need printouts to send to Washington.

I see no contradiction here.
BookMorphs can save their contents as Postscript (one BookMorph page per
Postscript page).  Any morph can save its appearance as EPS.

The only problem is that your average (Book)Morph is physically smaller than
your average page, so things get blown up a bit, but that's a SMOP.

Alternatively, if simple text will do, any text edit window can save its
text as a file.  Didn't someone send out a change set to provide saving
styled text as HTML?

	Believe, printouts are important.  I also generate HTML (static, my 
	program doesn't run on a server ... I can only pass files to it), and if 
	the format were the same, then I could have the printout done by a 
	browser, but the layouts are different.  (e.g., browsers don't have page 
The Amaya browser (for UNIX and Windows) _does_ offer page numbers on
printouts.  It's not as if there was a law against it...

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