Progrmaming in Bytecode?

Cees de Groot cg at
Fri Aug 2 08:37:10 UTC 2002

Ian Piumarta <ian.piumarta at> said:
>> Due to the "peculiarities"
>> of some instruction sets, there are even such things as "optimizing
>> assemblers"!
>Assemblers for the Alpha (or was is MIPS?  It's been a *looong* time...)
>make _register allocation_ decisions.
I do vaguely recall that the Ultrix/MIPS assembler did optimization
on subroutine calls (branch first, then push the final argument)...

Cees de Groot          <cg at>
GnuPG 1024D/E0989E8B 0016 F679 F38D 5946 4ECD  1986 F303 937F E098 9E8B
Cogito ergo evigilo

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