Mac question

Brian Keefer mgomes21 at
Tue Aug 6 23:09:07 UTC 2002

John M McIntosh wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> >I would like to be able to run different image in Squeak. I have to
> >copy the VM to have multiple squeak running. I was used to do that
> >on macOS9 but on MacOSX I was thinking
> ...
> Well you are running afoul of the finder. You see when you double
> clock on that squeak icon, the finder looks and sees that squeak is
> already running so you don't get another instance running.
> However as already pointed out if you drop down into the squeak
> application executable directory say
> /Users/johnmci/Documents/Squeak3.2.7osx/build/Squeak
> and invoke ./Squeak VM Opt
> then well yes unix just launches that executable. I've tried this,
> seems to work.

If finder is being picky about running the (mime?)bound application FILE
once, you could associate  *.image with a throwaway wrapper script. It is
unix, isn't it? 

nohup squeak $* >/dev/null &

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