is subclassing Project OK?

Torge Husfeldt Torge.Husfeldt at
Wed Aug 7 10:02:47 UTC 2002

Hi Ned,

I can only guess here but it may have to do with performance or with the urge not to directly reference classes in Methods. On the other hand there is already a call to #isKindOf: in the method so I don't know if these points are valid. Obviously the author must not have imagined someone subclassing Project.
Don't you think it would be a Good Idea (tm) to replace quite a few calls to #isKindOf: <Class> by is<Class>? Some time ago i wrote a snippet that did exactly this and posted it to the list (It works with the #autoDeclineClassMembership preference that dates from the same time, but you could make it work with explicit "is<Class>	^false" methods in Object too), but it didn't receive much of an echo at that time.

Squeak on,

Ned Konz wrote:
> I have a subclass of Project. I saved one of them as a project, then
> when I went to load it back in, I was told that no project was in the
> file!
> Looking further, I found the following logic in ProjectLoading
> class>>openName:stream:fromDirectory:withProjectView:
>         (morphOrList isKindOf: ImageSegment) ifTrue: [
>                 proj _ morphOrList arrayOfRoots
>                         detect: [:mm | mm class == Project]
>                         ifNone: [^self inform: 'No project found in this file'].
> I changed the "class == Project" to "class isKindOf: Project" and it
> seems to run OK, but is there some reason that the code is this way?
> Thanks,
> --
> Ned Konz

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