[FIX] TransfoimingAMorphFix

NISHIHARA Satoshi nishis at zephyr.dti.ne.jp
Wed Aug 21 13:18:44 UTC 2002

Hi Ed,

At 16:50 -0300 08/20/2002, Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene wrote:
>Well, I have a 3.2 4952 image with updates 4918 to 4934 loaded by hand and
>do not show this behavior,
>I run on Mac Classic 9.1

I'm using Squeak3.2-4956.image with Mac OS 8.5.1J and 
Windows XP v.2002, and get the same error. Please sure 
to drop the rotated child morph to the rotated parent 
morph, and drag/scale/rotate child morph.

Here are some examples which cause errors. They show 
an EllipseMorph with/without rotetating on a RectangleMorph 
with/without rotetating.

    | rectangleMorph ellipseMorph event |
    "rotating sample will causes aMessageNotUnderstood Error."
    rectangleMorph _ RectangleMorph new.
    rectangleMorph position: 100 @ 100.
    rectangleMorph extent: 200 @ 300.
    rectangleMorph openInWorld.
    rectangleMorph dropEnabled: true.
    rectangleMorph enableDrop: true.
    rectangleMorph enableDragNDrop: true.
    rectangleMorph heading: 90.
    ellipseMorph _ EllipseMorph new.
    ellipseMorph extent: 50 @ 100.
    ellipseMorph openInWorld.
    ellipseMorph position: 100 @ 130.
    ellipseMorph heading: 90.
    event _ DropEvent new.
        setPosition: -100.0 @ 24.0
        contents: ellipseMorph topRendererOrSelf
        hand: HandMorph new.
    rectangleMorph acceptDroppingMorph: ellipseMorph topRendererOrSelf event: event.
    ellipseMorph topRendererOrSelf position: -45 @ -40.
    ellipseMorph addHalo.
    "and mouseDown on the Pick up halo of ellipseMorph, and drag it!"

    | rectangleMorph ellipseMorph event |
    "sample: both of rectangleMorph and ellipseMorph without rotating."
    rectangleMorph _ RectangleMorph new.
    rectangleMorph position: 100 @ 100.
    rectangleMorph extent: 200 @ 300.
    rectangleMorph openInWorld.
    rectangleMorph dropEnabled: true.
    rectangleMorph enableDrop: true.
    rectangleMorph enableDragNDrop: true.
    ellipseMorph _ EllipseMorph new.
    ellipseMorph extent: 50 @ 100.
    ellipseMorph openInWorld.
    ellipseMorph position: 150 @ 130.
    event _ DropEvent new.
        setPosition: 150 @ 150
        contents: ellipseMorph topRendererOrSelf
        hand: HandMorph new.
    rectangleMorph acceptDroppingMorph: ellipseMorph topRendererOrSelf event: event.
    ellipseMorph topRendererOrSelf position: 150 @ 150.
    "After rotate the both of rectangleMorph and ellipseMorph, and Pick up ellipseMorph then drag it!"

    | rectangleMorph ellipseMorph event |
    "sample: rotated ellipseMorph on rectangleMorph without rotating."
    rectangleMorph _ RectangleMorph new.
    rectangleMorph position: 100 @ 100.
    rectangleMorph extent: 200 @ 300.
    rectangleMorph openInWorld.
    rectangleMorph dropEnabled: true.
    rectangleMorph enableDrop: true.
    rectangleMorph enableDragNDrop: true.
    ellipseMorph _ EllipseMorph new.
    ellipseMorph extent: 50 @ 100.
    ellipseMorph openInWorld.
    ellipseMorph position: 150 @ 130.
    ellipseMorph heading: 90.
    event _ DropEvent new.
        setPosition: 150 @ 150
        contents: ellipseMorph topRendererOrSelf
        hand: HandMorph new.
    rectangleMorph acceptDroppingMorph: ellipseMorph topRendererOrSelf event: event.
    ellipseMorph topRendererOrSelf position: 150 @ 150.
    "After rotate the rectangleMorph and Pick up ellipseMorph then drag it!"

Rotating a morph produce a TransformationMorph as a wrapper.
But it is confusing to send some messages to where a wrapper 
or renderedMorph itself.

>But I found another anomaly , which I post on list.
>1. Create a Playfield from flaptabs.
>2- Create a TTSampleStringMorph (From object catalog TrueType banner)
>3 Save as morph via halo
>5 lading this via FileList give a endiannes problem , like I post on mail
>[Q] Big Endian question
>Ned Kontz gently give me some advice and I fix the problem on Mac.
>But the fix is not working on Windows.
>Maybe someone with more Smalltalk behind can fix.
>I like sending living morphs and don$B!-(Bt like different OS oddities.

defining MatrixTransform2x3>>restoreEndianness 
(from another #restoreEndianness), 
I can avoid the endiannes error, but loaded aTTSampleStringMorph 
is rotated 270 degree.

I'll be waiting here the guru coming down and the solve this problem.


$B@>86Ao;N(B (NISHIHARA Satoshi)
e-mail: mailto:nishis at zephyr.dti.ne.jp
URL:    http://www.zephyr.dti.ne.jp/~nishis/

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