FW: [ENH] RehashingSystemTracer

Stephen Pair spair at acm.org
Sat Aug 24 03:52:07 UTC 2002

Well...my first email didn't go through, so maybe the attachments were
too big...there's a link at the bottom to get these change sets.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Pair [mailto:spair at acm.org] 
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2002 11:08 PM
To: 'squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org'
Subject: [ENH] RehashingSystemTracer

Attached are change sets that build on Anthony Hannan's SystemTracer2 to
add rehashing capabilities in the form of a new subclass called
RehashingSystemTracer.  Also, the performance of SystemTracer2 is
improved (11 minutes down to about 4 on my machine) by using my
LargeIdentityDictionary (in the EAD change sets).  The
LargeIdentityDictionary doesn't fight with the garbage collector as much
as it would with a single large dictionary.

The RehashingSystemTracer will rehash some key sets (like
MethodDictionaries) as it is writing the clone image.  When the clone
image starts up, all objects in the image get rehashed (via a new method
on SystemDictionary).  You can subclass the RehashingSystemTracer for
your own tracing needs.

Load these in the following order:


I've also put these on my website:

- Stephen

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