Bug in teh program

Jaril diris at volja.net
Sun Dec 1 17:16:27 UTC 2002


As a trial project I worked on the Path through Net problem, where I use a
Point and Vector model. At some point I encountered a strange situation: the
following code did not work correctly for one of vectors in the helpSet,
though I did test the situation thoroughly and endPoint is postively in
pointsOnPath :

    	helpSet do: [:vector |
           ( pointsOnPath includes: (vector endPoint ))
                ifTrue: [
                    helpSet remove: vector ifAbsent: [^'Error 2, class

But once I applied the following code on the same data:

	helpSet := helpSet reject: [:vector | pointsOnPath includes: (vector
endPoint )].

the result was correct.

I am new to ST and can't find my mistake. Any help is appreciated.

LP  Jaril Lavrenčič

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