[ANN] Berkeley DB Plugin on SqueakMap

Stephen Pair spair at acm.org
Tue Dec 3 13:15:48 UTC 2002

This is a low level interface to Berkeley DB.

Documentation is sparse and probably inconsistent due to recent naming
changes, it doesn't implement the full Berkeley DB api yet...but it does
the basics.  I think it's a good start for a robust and complete
implementation of the Berkeley DB api.  For those that expand on the
API...send me the code and I'll turn it around quickly.

Windows users should be able to just install the SAR and use BdbDatabase
(two DLLs are dropped in your Squeak directory)...for other platforms
(or if you want to build on Windows), you'll need to download the SAR,
extract it, and read the readme for build instructions.  I've built this
on Linux...it should work under OSX, but I've never tried.

- Stephen

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