Yet another SAR feature request (YASFR)

Stephen Pair spair at
Sat Dec 7 15:37:14 UTC 2002


One of the things I'm seeing from sar installations is interactive
behavior (ie. Installing a SAR opens a morphic window).  I think it
would be nice to add some capability to SARInstaller that would support
headless (or quiet installations).  Here are a few ideas about how to do

- have some concept in the installer regarding "interactive" vs.
"silent" the preamble you could write "self isInteractive"

- allow parameters to be passed into the installation...the caller could
do this with "SARInstaller class>>installSAR:parameters:" or similar.
The parameters could be a dictionary.

- improve methods like #error:, #warning:, #inform:, #confirm:, etc such
that they take a symbol *and* a message as arguments.  For example: 

		confirm: #installDLLs 
		msg: 'Would you like to install the Windows DLLs for
this package?'

The implementation of #confirm:msg: would look for #installDLLs in the
list of parameters and, if found, will answer that value...if not found,
an exception would be signaled whose defaultAction is to prompt the
user. would be nice to support fully automated installations;
especially as people want to do automated builds, loading of
pre-requisites, etc.

- Stephen

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