YAXO problem

yampa at mindspring.com yampa at mindspring.com
Tue Dec 10 04:08:22 UTC 2002

I am moving some code I wrote which uses YAXO to 3.4 in hopes of registering
it onto SqueakMap.  I have loaded the YAXO version which is on SqueakMap into
my image, and I am finding the following problem:

I had been previously using the method
XMLNodeWithEntities>>#entityAt:ifAbsent:.  This is no longer there, but it
does have #elementAt:ifAbsent, which I am trying to use instead.

elementAt: entityName ifAbsent: aBlock
		ifNil: [^aBlock value].
	^self elements detect: [:each | each key = entityName] ifNone: [^aBlock

In short, the problem is that the #elementAt:ifAbsent method is expecting
"elements" to be a collection of associations, which was true in my old
version, but now is just a collection of XMLElements.  I think changing this
method from "each key" to "each name" would be what is intended in the new
version.  Has anyone else run across this?


Doug R.

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