Template mechanisms...

Karl Ramberg karl.ramberg at chello.se
Thu Dec 12 20:11:45 UTC 2002

tblanchard at mac.com wrote:
> On Thursday, December 12, 2002, at 04:35  AM, Stephen Pair wrote:
> > Actually, it would be interesting to adopt an approach very similar to
> > Morphic for constructing web widgets (I'm thinking mostly in terms of
> > the compositional patterns found in Morphic...specifically how morphs
> > have a list of submorphs that are iterated when drawing).  If you also
> > enable the web widgets to render themselves as morphs, then you could
> > use Morphic to assemple your web GUIs...I've also thought that you
> > could
> > use some of the dynamic features of the web browsers and build a web UI
> > editor in the web browser itself (but I think it would be easier and
> > better to do it in Morphic).
> >
> Yeah - but the tricky bit is in matching the html layout model - which
> has a certain kind of flow that can be "channeled" into shapes via
> things like tables and lists.  Its not at all like a canvas - more like
> a stream.  In most of the visual web design tools I've seen, they
> present the user with a canvas and then try to emulate it using lots
> and lots of nested tables.  This tends to produce pages that render
> really slowly.
> I'm not too knowledgeable about morphic (wish I knew more) but I didn't
> see anything that acted like a flow/html layout kind of thing.
> Maybe someone can enlighten me on an appropriate container that will
> layout out things like an html page?

I'v been hacking a HtmlTableMorph for quite a while. It's 
slowly comming along but it is really hard to anticipate all
the nesting and get it right. 

AlignmentMorph has some functionality like addRow: but 
not a clue about columns, rowspan and colspan.

The StableSqueak project had apps generated using xml. I don't know 
if it could produce xml from morpic.

I can post the latest HtmlTableMorph code if anyone is interested.


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