CompiledMethod deep copy

Anthony Hannan ajh18 at
Sat Dec 14 17:33:37 UTC 2002

Luis Alessi Salazar <asalazar at> wrote:
> I am working in asubjective envoriment an I wanted to ask you if anyone 
> know how to make a deep copy of a CompiledMethod. I need to treat a CompiledMMetho 
> like any other object but when I recompile a CompiledMethod I lose all the 
> references to that CompiledMethod.

Recompiling replaced the existing CompiledMethod object.  So pointers to
the old compiled method will not point to the new compiled method.  Try
pointing to a MethodHolder instead.  Deep copy is not the problem.  You
wouldn't want to deep copy a method anyway because then you would get
copies of global variables, which you wouldn't want.


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