Compiled Method, Deep copy

Luis Alessi Salazar asalazar at
Mon Dec 16 04:51:07 UTC 2002

Hi everyone,
           First of all I want to thanks for the answer to my previous question, 
but I keep on having some problems. I will explain myself as clear as I can. I want 
to have diferents implementation of a message in a class, I mean the signature and 
the class are the same but the implementations are diferents. The only way I found 
to compile a method is trougth the message #compile:aText, I send this message to 
the class and it adds the new implementation of the message to the 
MethodDictionary, but I lose the previous version, that´s why I want a deep copy, 
because I want to add a new implementation and keep the previous one in another 
object (another compiledMethod). 
Thanks, Luis  

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