[BUG] Process Browser 'debug this process' broken by recent changes

Ned Konz ned at bike-nomad.com
Thu Feb 7 05:10:59 UTC 2002

When I wrote the Process Browser, I had to reverse-engineer the method of 
opening a Debugger on an arbitrary Process. Now it seems to have become 
broken (in 3.2g and 3.3a).

So my question is this: how do I start a Debugger on any Process?

I tried this:

    p _ [[ 1234.5 printString ] repeat ] forkAt: Processor 
    Debugger openInterrupt: 'boom!' onProcess: p.

And I get a pre-debug window with the correct stack.

If I choose Debug, then I no longer see any stack.

If I choose Proceed, the VM crashes.

Can someone help here? I'd really like to fix the Process Browser. What is 

* some code to debug any Process (active UI process or not)

* an assurance that the Process will continue if you choose Proceed from the 

I'd like to get the capability of suspending, debugging, and resuming 
processes back...

Ned Konz
currently: Stanwood, WA
email:     ned at bike-nomad.com
homepage:  http://bike-nomad.com

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