[Q] FTP upload question

Hannes Hirzel hirzel at spw.unizh.ch
Thu Feb 7 12:51:39 UTC 2002

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Bergel Alexandre wrote:

> Hello,
> On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 03:23:10PM +0100, Hannes Hirzel wrote:
> > Hi 
> > 
> > how do I save a string on an ftp server as a file?
> > 
> > - open the connection (giving user name and password)
> > 
> > - put the string as a file on the server
> > 
> > - close the connection
> You can use ServerDirectory.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> s:=ServerDirectory new.
> s type: #ftp.
> s server: 'YourServer.com'.
> s user: 'username'.
> s password: 'yourpass'.
> s openFTP.
> stream:=s fileNamed: 'yourfile.txt'.
> stream nextPutAll: 'yourString'.
> stream close.
> s quit.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Thank you, Alexandre. It works!!!

I had to give the directory path as well 

- and actually the full path I get when I issue the 'pwd' command when
doing ftp from the OS command line -

to make it work.

Before I did this I got a walkback. The instance variable directory was

The walkback was in the method:

	"Open a connection to the directory and server I hold.  Return a
FTPSocket.  No dataPort is opened.  When you are all done, be sure to tell
the socket to QUIT, and then destroy it."

	| so rr serverIP what |
	Socket initializeNetwork.
	socket ifNotNil: [socket isValid 
			ifTrue: [^ socket]	"already open"
			ifFalse: [socket _ nil. ]].
"HH" Transcript show: 'socket _ nil'; cr.
	Cursor wait showWhile: [
		FTPSocket retry: [serverIP _ NetNameResolver
addressForName: server timeout: 20.
					serverIP ~~ nil] 
			asking: 'Trouble resolving server name "' , server
, '".  Keep trying?'
			ifGiveUp: [^ 'Could not resolve the server
named: ', server].
		so _ FTPSocket new.
		so portNum: 21.
		so connectTo: serverIP port: 21.  "21 is for the control
		so waitForConnectionUntil: FTPSocket standardDeadline.

	Transcript cr; show: 'ftp: ', server; cr.
	(rr _ so lookFor: '220 ') == true ifFalse: [^ rr].	"220 para1
Microsoft FTP Service"
	[	"repeat both USER and PASS since some servers require it"
		so sendCommand: 'USER ', user.
		(rr _ so lookFor: '331 ') == true ifFalse: [^ rr].	"331
Password required"
		so sendCommand: 'PASS ', self password.		"will ask user,
if needed"
		 (rr _ so lookSoftlyFor: '230 ') == true
	] 	"230 User logged in"
		whileFalse: [
			rr first == $5 ifFalse: [^ rr].	"timeout"
			passwordHolder _ nil.
			what _ (PopUpMenu labels: 'enter password\give up'
				startUpWithCaption: 'Would you like to try
another password?'.
			what = 1 ifFalse: [so destroy.  ^ rr]].

"*** walback here because directory beeing empty does not understand
isEmpty ***"
    directory isEmpty ifFalse: [
		so sendCommand: 'CWD ', directory.
		(rr _ so lookFor: '250 ') == true ifFalse: [^ rr].	"250
CWD successful"
	"Need to ask for name of directory to make sure?"
	"socket _ so".	"If user wants to keep connnection open, he must
store socket"
	^ so

As I did not understand the code of the method I just tried

s := ServerDirectory new.
s type: #ftp.
s server: 'myServerId'.
s user: 'myUserName'.
s password: 'myPassWord'.
s directory: '/theFullPathOfMyHomeDirectory'.   "<-- added "
s openFTP.

stream:=s fileNamed: 'myfile.txt'.
stream nextPutAll: 'myString'.
stream close.

s quit.

And it worked. Great!
Thanks again. This is really helpful for my application to be able
to put files back on the web server.

Hannes Hirzel

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