[Slightly OT] Source code management

ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Thu Feb 7 20:06:46 UTC 2002

on 6/02/02 1:36 PM, Cees de Groot at cg at home.cdegroot.com wrote:

> Andreas Raab <Andreas.Raab at gmx.de> said:
>> [...]. In particular, the discussion at
>> http://www.regexps.com/linus.html sounded very much like what we'd be
>> interested in, e.g., rather than having a single centralized repository
>> we might look into decentralized "nodes" of some sort.
> I'm spoiled with this by VW's StORE, and it's really great to have it. My
> image has links to the Cincom StORE repository for pre-releases of Cincom
> packages and public domain stuff, to a shared repository where you can put
> your "task complete and all green lights" stuff, and to a repository on my
> local machine so I can have private branches and projects.
> I'll never, ever, go back to a single central repository without a lot of
> screaming and kicking ;-)
Same for me (even if the mac support could be better, sometimes I think to
use virtual pc  ;)

But you have to take care because one rep can have a system version 3.1 and
you can publish in another with ersion 4.2. So tools support is useful

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