[BUG] Socket problem talking to other Squeak in the same machine

Diego Gomez Deck DiegoGomezDeck at ConsultAr.com
Mon Feb 11 09:10:12 UTC 2002

Hi everybody,

I'm finishing rST (remote ST), a framework to distribute Objects similar to java RMI.

I found a bug: when a Squeak talk (by socket) to other Squeak in the same machine, an error occurs.  Searching in the image I found 2 methods (EtoyPeerToPeer>sendDataCautiously: and StringSocket>>sendDataCautiously:bytesToSend:) that make a workaround to this bug, I tried this workaround but when a send too many data the error occurs anyway.

Anyone knows how to handle this bug?


Diego Gomez Deck

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