Process local variable and debugging

Tim Rowledge tim at
Mon Feb 11 19:01:12 UTC 2002

I like the general ideas here but have a couple of queries.

First, at the moment (as of update #4652) pool variables appear to be
accessed using the pushLiteralVariable bytecodes, which does not send
#value to the association. Changing that would involve some compiler
hacking that I hope somebody else has already done. I hate to needlessly
repeat redundantly unneccessary coding.

Second, since the current system puts actual associations in the method
literal frame, simply swapping an array of associations doesn't seem
likely to be enough on its own.

Third, I'm not yet convinced that this approach helps with my original
problem in the debugger. If the process-globals are swapped when process
are swapped (which seems pretty much required) then the debugger process
will usurp the expected values of the original code. If the debugger
_doesn't_ do the normal thing, then it might have problems if it were
expecting to use its own process-globals anywhere.

Fourth, I seem to remember reading that there are some problems with
PoolDictionaries and modules. What to do?

So, Andreas your message implies you've been making use of a facility of
this sort and I'd be delighted to get hold of the relevant code asap :-)

Tim Rowledge, tim at,
Don't be sexist; broads hate that!

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