[Q] [BUG] #class not a message

Bob Arning arning at charm.net
Thu Feb 14 22:09:08 UTC 2002

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 16:00:32 -0500 "Diego Gomez Deck" <DiegoGomezDeck at ConsultAr.com> wrote:
>I found a problem: #class is not a real message, so (for example) the inspector on a remote objeto doesn't show the remote instances variables, etc.
>I'd like to know if this feature will be in Squeak for ever and I'd like to know the complete list of pseudo-messages like #class.

Well, forever is a loooong time. And there are probably Squeak images out there where someone has already changed this. If you want to see which messages work this way, look at the method category 'common selector sends' in Interpreter. These are the messages that have their own unique bytecode. If you read through these, you will see they fall into 3 groups:

- always a shortcut like #class
- sometimes a shortcut like #at:
- never a shortcut like #atEnd

You could change your compiler to emit normal message send bytecodes for any of these and then you would get the ability to change the implementation in squeak, at the expense of things being slower and taking more memory.


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