Can a later vm make an image an earlier vm can't open?

David T. Lewis lewis at
Sat Feb 16 23:38:43 UTC 2002

On Sat, Feb 16, 2002 at 01:22:11PM -0800, Tim Rowledge wrote:
> If you have an editor capable of opening the image and editing it
> safely, you could try doing exactly what I did when I found the problem
> ; remove the first 512 bytes.

Thanks, I had just encountered this very problem. And it the absence of
a suitable text editor, a CSOTD will suffice:

| newName new old fd |
newName _ 'patchedImage'.
fd _ FileDirectory default.
(fd isAFileNamed: newName, 'image')
  ifTrue: [self notify: newName, 'image exists']
    [new _ (StandardFileStream newFileNamed: newName, '.image') binary.
    old _ (StandardFileStream oldFileNamed: Smalltalk imageName) binary.
    old next: 512.	"Skip header"
    fd copyFile: old toFile: new.
    fd copyFileNamed: Smalltalk changesName toFileNamed: newName, '.changes'.
    new close.
    old close]


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