[Modules] Upper case message names for accessing modules

Hannes Hirzel hirzel at spw.unizh.ch
Thu Feb 21 21:35:42 UTC 2002

On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Chris Becker wrote:

> Although I like this form best because it is clean and simple ...
> ellipse := Squeak Morphic Core Basic EllipseMorph new.
> ... the uninitiated Smalltalker will be confused by the ambiguity between
> class names and module names. Although Morphic is a class, in this context
> it's the name of a module. Core and Basic aren't classes, they're modules.
> EllipseMorph is a class that we're sending the 'new' message to, so it's not
> a module name in this case. Or is it?
> Maybe something like this would clear it up ...
> ellipse := Squeak modMorphic modCore modBasic EllipseMorph new.
> Since I assume you are automatically generating messages for the Squeak
> class that correspond to installed module names, couldn't you preface the
> messages with lowercase "mod" so they still look like messages? This prefix
> would also reinforce the fact that they are modules so they won't be
> confused with class names.

Thank you for coming up with this proposal.
I consider this to be a good solution written in readily understandable
Smalltalk style.

It can be explained easily and takes away some of the "mystery" around

I second this proposal.

Hannes Hirzel

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